I just came back from my doctor’s office.
The news is intriguing.
Luckily, I will see Dr. Coculescu (”the Great”) soon enough. I hope he can explain these developments and advise me accordingly.
Three weeks have passed since my previous lab tests. My TSH was a nice 1.9, down from 5.21, under 50 mcg of T4 for a few weeks. I was entertaining hopes of going up to 75 mcg of T4 (Levothyrox), an amount not exaggerated for a Hashimoto’s patient of my size. My doctor had opposed the idea (see previous post), although she had wondered about the accuracy of the tests, thinking that they showed too little TSH for such a small amount of supplementation.
Lucky me that she didn’t increase my T4 dose, because even continuing with the 50 mcg for these extra three weeks, my TSH is now at a bewildering 0.11! My T4 is higher than it has ever been, bordering the upper acceptable limit. Again, lucky me that “mymexicandrugstore” didn’t deliver my T3 on time — I would have headed for a thyroid storm, without a doubt, with T3 supplementation on top of what my body is already producing!
I didn’t check T3 this time around, but I’d be curious about the TPO antibodies, because, unless they are really high, marking another episode of thyroid destruction and subsequent hormonal flooding, I am not sure what to make of this!
Is my thyroid increasing its function of its own accord? Is the Peat diet working wonders on me, with some delays? Am I possessed by a higher metabolic self?
The latter option would be in sync with another surprise: a high estrogen level, ten times higher than three weeks ago. I didn’t check progesterone, but I doubt it went 10 times higher as well, so as to keep the Peat favored ratio… But who knows, after all, who would have guessed the thyroid development?
Cholesterol is down, but it was never bothersome. Vitamin D3 is hovering on the lower admissible range, so my doctor offered 100.000 units of supplementation — that is how they like to do it in France, with vials of potent liquid stuff, called “Uvedose”. When I was in Cannes last year, I bought them without a prescription from a pharmacy. In Alsace, no such luck.
She also directed me to decrease my T4 supplements to 25 mcg…
I am wondering if my recent hair loss was connected to the exaggeratedly low TSH, rather than the Synthroid type medication or some previous hypothyroid moments that were never captured on lab results.
I could have sworn I would never again see that level of estrogen, let alone that TSH or the T4, but here we go… Maybe with the increased amount of calories, came increased titers of hormones, across the board. Could it be that my body is waking up? Restarting? With all the good and the bad hormonal developments? So...