Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Aspirin Will Cost Us In the Long Run. Low Estrogen/High Progesterone Exists!

The Peatian news of the day has to be Noah Buhayar's article on about aspirin becoming such a burden to the cost of healthcare... because it protects so many from cancer!

I have not started supplementing with aspirin. The idea that then I would have to add K2 to my regimen and balance these guys out is truly not something I look forward to (especially that both can do some damage, in the wrong dose, they are not harmless little substances).

Yesterday I started reading Dr. Sara Gottfried's "The Hormone Cure", because I had read the reviews and many raved about how well she explains their interplay.

I took her hormone quizz online and the results hit pretty much where I expected.  So, to all the women out there who think there is no such thing as progesterone dominance or women who are not in need of progesterone, because they would instantly turn it into the evil estrogen, check out my results:

High Cortisol.  It sounds like you are unlikely to have high cortisol at this point, which is great (...)
Low Thyroid.  There’s a good chance you are low in thyroid hormone (...)
Low Estrogen.  There’s a good chance you are low in estrogen (...)
Low Cortisol.  There’s a good chance you are low in cortisol. (...)
Low Progesterone.  You are unlikely to have low progesterone. Congratulations! (...)
High Estrogen.  You are unlikely to have estrogen dominance. (...)
High Androgens.  You are unlikely to have high androgens. (...)

For whatever this is worth, my recommendation for any woman out there considering hormone therapy is to take Dr. Gottfried's test or, better yet, to check your hormone levels before you decide you are "estrogen dominant" and start the "bioidentical hormone" supplementation, be it with pregnenolone or progesterone. Reading Ray Peat's and others' fabulous experiences is one thing, taking the decision to go that route on one's own is another.

Balance the time you spend on forums with time you spend with doctors or reading their books and using their free online resources. Just because you run on a discussion group into a woman who seems smart and knowledgeable and who did some things that worked for her and then she went out of her way to recommend them using Ray Peat's work and quoting his instructions to her as endorsements doesn't mean you have found YOUR answer! Nobody is evil in this equation, everyone is being super nice and tries to be helpful -- but hormone supplementation can have serious consequences and you need all the qualified, personalized help you can get when you do it.

I learned this the hard way, unfortunately! 

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